
All class instruction is based on the needs and abilities of those who attend a particular session. Although yoga can be physically demanding, it is part of the Iyengar method of yoga to use props such as blocks, chairs, benches, walls, and ropes as a normal part of the study to focus study on a particular part of the anatomy, an action of an asana, to stabilize or alleviate strain.

The student is responsible for alerting the teacher to any conditions that may not be obviously apparent. Major issues should be communicated before attending class by email or telephone. Reservations for classes are required via confirmed text or email a minimum of one hour before published class times. Students are may to arrive up to 15 minutes early.

From time to time, according to the student population, different class levels, special series, or topics may be on the schedule. At the present time all classes are a mixed General Level to accommodate everyone, except one Level II/III class specifically for seasoned students.

General Level Classes 

Ongoing weekly classes for students of all levels.  Level of teaching will be adjusted to the group who attends each session.  Rotation of asanas each week of the month allows a full range of study of each category of pose: standing poses, forward bending, backward flexions, inversions, balancing, and twists.  The last week of the month focuses on restorative poses and breath awareness or pranayama.

Introductory Series

Introductory series is a special topic course offered periodically. Watch for specific dates offered once or twice a calendar year on Thursday evenings 5:30-7:00 pm. A 4 week course to begin the study of a limited number of basic asanas. Primary approach for each yoga pose and activity. Slower teaching pace to pick up class rhythm of observing demonstration then doing the pose with repetition of the same instructions. And everybody in the group class is also a beginner. The best launching pad to start the yoga experience!

Level I/II

Focuses on the outlines and primary actions of 42 asanas on the introductory syllabus of the Iyengar method. Downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) and shoulder balance (sarvangasana) are introduced and developed for inverted balance and stamina. The last week of the month focuses on resting and restorative poses.

Level III

This class group  is dynamic and active.  (Permission of teacher requested before joining). Students need a foundation in the form and actions of all class of poses and an established home practice.  Strength, stamina, and refinement are the focus.  Sirsasana (head balance pose) is included in every class.  Students are directed on how to adapt particular asanas as intermediary actions or using props for their individual circumstances. Pranayama is given the last week of the month.

Private classes by appointment

One-on-one instruction for special therapeutic needs or refinement of studies. Couples and parent/child duos can be accommodated in the same private class. Students who need totally individual approaches in class and assistance managing props should begin with private instruction before integrating into a group class.

What to wear

Clothes should not be so loose or heavy as to obscure the outlines of the body. Footless tights, shorts, t-shirt or tank top are preferable to sweats. Feet should be bare unless there is a medical necessity. Any foot gear used in the yoga studio should be dedicated to that purpose and have never touched the ground outdoors. No fragrances please. Practice should not be right after a meal.

The studio door is unlocked 15 minutes prior to the published class time. New students or regular students with a new issue should arrive for class during this 15 minute period to give details to the teacher before class begins.

Always feel free to ask for more detail of explanation if these brief class descriptions do not dispel your questions. Please speak with the teacher prior to attending class if you have special needs, so she can be prepared to help you with such issues as high blood pressure, heart conditions, lack of balance, pain or injuries in the knees, shoulders, or back, disc issues, prostheses, pregnancy, other medical conditions.